Statistics of Social Media Obsession  

Posted by Alper Çetiner

From the time we wake up in the morning to the moment we call it a day, and every moment in between (think bedroom, bathroom and dinner table), we’re checking in on our favorite social media sites.

This conclusion comes from data gathered by an independent study (commissioned by Retrevo), which surveyed 1,000 online individuals.

Per the report, our Facebook and Twitter activities continue even after we’ve hit the hay, with 48% of respondents checking in on activity when they wake up in the middle of the night or as soon as they wake up in the morning. Unsurprisingly, these night owl social media behaviors skew heavily toward those under the age of 25.

iPhone users are the most social of the respondent pool and were significantly more likely to check or update Twitter or Facebook from bed — many before turning on the TV in the morning. Several also use these sites to consume their morning news. The iPhone’s app and web experience is clearly making it even easier for the young socialites to maintain their Internet presence regardless of their physical station in life.

The study also found that 56% of social media users check Facebook once a day, 32% don’t mind being interrupted by an electronic message while eating and 24% of respondents under the age of the 25 have no problem with digital communication while on the pot.

A few other interesting data points from the study include:

- 12% of respondents check/use Facebook every couple of hours

- 62% of individuals over the age of 25 see electronic communications during a meeting, meal, sex or bathroom act as unwanted interruptions

- 23% of iPhone owners primarily get their morning news from Twitter and Facebook

While we can’t verify that the data is representative of the entire population, most of these stats — which might be surprising on first look — should be expected. Now that smartphones with apps are ubiquitous, it’s quite logical that these devices would accompany their owners even in the most private or intimate of scenarios.

Our Social Media Obsession by the Numbers [Mashable]

Google TV  

Posted by Alper Çetiner

Google has teamed up with Sony and Intel, and the three companies will be releasing Google TV. Google TV, made by Sony and powered by Intel chips. It will run the Android OS.
The TV project, according to the New York Times, is still under wraps, but that hasn’t stopped the details from leaking. The GTV will be based on the Android OS, and come in the form of both a set-top box and actual TV-sets. There will be regular television, of course, but also Hulu, YouTube and other web-video sources, as well as games and apps for social networking.
It seems like Google are close to releasing developer tools for Google TV, developer tools are expected in the next two months, Logitech has reportedly been approached to make peripherals such as speakers and a QWERTY-equipped remote. If you want to a Google TV?

Google and Partners Seek TV Foothold [New York Times]


Posted by Adsız

Evindeki hayaletlerden bıkıp usanınca, ruhlar konusunda uzman bir din adamı çağırdığını ve iki hayaletin 'kutsal su' bulunan iki şişeye hapsedildiğini öne süren Avie Woodbury adlı Yeni Zelandalı kadın, iki hayaleti internetten satışa çıkardı.


İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesinin Medya ve İletişim öğrencileriyiz. Derdimiz ortak bir alan yaratmak ve çok dertliyiz. Şöyle ki, okuyan herkes davetlidir.


İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesinin Medya ve İletişim öğrencileriyiz. Derdimiz ortak bir alan yaratmak ve çok dertliyiz. Okuyan herkes davetlidir.
