Amazing Photograph Of The World's Tallest Rocket Blasting Off  

Posted by IEU Medya ve İletişim

This is a photo of the world's tallest rocket blasting off for outerspace without me. Damnit, I packed a sack lunch and everything! HOLLER AT YOUR BOY, NASA. Come on -- I'll bring you back an alien corpse!

You're looking at the 253.2-foot Delta 4-Heavy lifting off from launch complex 37B at Cape Canaveral, and yes, that's actually a photograph. Good thing the camera was remotely triggered by photographer Ben Cooper, who used sound activation to snap this shot while he was safely ensconced 3 miles away.

We feel sorry for that camera, though, whose lens was destroyed. The good news is, the camera itself somehow survived this hellish inferno as the world's tallest unmanned rocket roared away from its launchpad.

World's tallest rocket roars away, captured in spectacular photo [dvice]

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İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesinin Medya ve İletişim öğrencileriyiz. Derdimiz ortak bir alan yaratmak ve çok dertliyiz. Okuyan herkes davetlidir.
