Art of Dust  

Posted by IEU Medya ve İletişim

Paul Hazelton collects dust and then shapes it into things and calls it art. Me? I vacuum it up LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.

 I think it all has something to do with the fact that I was brought up in an immaculate environment that was really clean,' said Mr Hazelton.

 It all started when I noticed the dust on a mask and was able to pull it off. I started collecting dust and working with it, finding ways of turning it into three-dimensional structures.'

 Humans were supposedly made from dust, so it is interesting to create other things with it,' added Mr Hazelton, from Margate, Kent.

 It is a kind of recycling. The reaction of people when they see the art is one of incredulity.

Incredulity is right. Oh, and another thing -- I WAS NOT MADE FROM DUST, PAUL. I was made with cookie batter and star-sprinkles AND GOD BAKED ME PERFECTLY.

Incredible sculptures made with dust [metro]

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